flowers Hardy Family Scrapbook flowers

...About Us...
snowflakes snowflakes

Thursday, January 19, 2012

All About Eric...

ERIC is a computer programmer currently working for the state. He loves his job and the people he works with. He's been blessed with a good mind and it's kept him very busy.

In His Spare Time He Enjoys:
- Playing games of ANY kind
- Being with the family

His Favorite TV Shows Are:
- Castle
- Chuck
- Terra Nova
- Eureka
- Warehouse 13
- The Big Bang Theory

All About Shilo...

SHILO is a 30-something stay-at-home mommy who enjoys most every moment of it. She loves to watch her children learn and grow.

In Her Spare Time She Enjoys:
- Playing on the computer
- Scrapbooking
- Writing
- Acting
- Singing
- Reading (when she finds an awesome read)

Her Favorite TV Shows Are:
 - Castle
- Warehouse 13
- Chuck
- Eureka
- Warehouse 13
- Once Upon A Time
- Glee
- The Big Bang Theory
- A few 'reality' shows - 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom and Sister Wives

All About Tanis...

TANIS is an 11 year old sweetheart. He enjoys helping Mommy (and does so quiet often without being asked) and being with friends.

He Enjoys:
- Reading
- Playing video games
- Playing make believe
- Playing the clarinet

His Favorite TV Shows Are:
- Castle
- iCarly
- What's New, Scooby Doo?
- Warehouse 13
- Glee

All About Shaylyn...

SHAYLYN is a 10 year old drama queen. She is very artistic and loves to draw and paint. She can also be found making her own creations after Mommy does some sort of craft.

In Her Spare Time She Enjoys:
- Arts & Crafts
- Playing with friends
- Playing video games
- Playing the piano

Her Favorite TV Shows Are:
Monster High
- Danny Phantom
- Once Upon A Time

All About Alexander...

LEX is a 7 year old wild child. He really enjoys school and making new friends. He just loves life and lives it to the fullest.

He Enjoys:
- Running around CRAZY
- Playing with friends
- Playing video games
- Baseball
- Building with Legos

His Favorite TV Shows Are:
- Fanboy & ChumChum
- Spongebob
- Ironman
- Transformers
- The Avengers
- Power Rangers

All About Nathaniel...

NATHANIEL is our 3 year old 100% boy!

He Enjoys:
- Exploring every corner of the house
- Playing with his brothers and sisters
- Sports
- Playing Video Games

His Favorite TV Shows Are:
- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Go, Diego, Go
- The Backyardigans
- Power Rangers

All About Ailey...

AILEY is our baby girl. We were all so very excited to have another little girl join the family.

- Greeting Daddy when he gets home from work
- Playing on Mommy's phone
- Playing with her brothers and sisters
- Making a mess in every room she visits
- Teasing the dog

- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Blue's Clues

- The Smurfs